צפיות בכותרות
י"ב בכסלו התשפ"ג
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
12:40:29 ◀︎ Report: 35% of Jewish women rescued from Arab villages grew up Orthodox
12:47:15 ◀︎ Nearly half of bulletproof school buses unfit for use
12:55:07 ◀︎ Claim: Apple crushes dissent in America and China
13:12:04 ◀︎ IDF apprehends ten suspects in drug smuggling attempt
13:13:13 ◀︎ Rabbi of war and peace: Chief Rabbi B. M. Casper of South Africa
13:17:45 ◀︎ Weekly Tanya video/lecture: The Holy Epistle
13:38:14 ◀︎ Ben-Gvir: Al Jazeera is a lying propaganda machine
13:40:31 ◀︎ 2 minors held in detention following serious attack on bus driver
13:42:46 ◀︎ The character of the Gaon Rabbi Shamai Ginzburg (1905-1997)
13:45:02 ◀︎ Officials: Normalization of ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia inevitable
13:47:19 ◀︎ 10 drug smugglers apprehended near Egyptian border
13:50:43 ◀︎ 100,000 Israeli infants are vulnerable to polio
13:50:43 ◀︎ Bnei Brak scooter attacker to be held for another day in detention
13:55:11 ◀︎ Son of Rabbi Sternberg: My father was so great, and yet so down-to-earth
14:03:10 ◀︎ 8 injured mildly in Highway 6 collision
14:21:25 ◀︎ Mayors from around the world sign pact against antisemitism
14:31:43 ◀︎ Labor party leader to Pres. Herzog: Don't give Netanyahu another 14 days
14:35:09 ◀︎ None injured in shooting attack in Gush Etzion
14:49:43 ◀︎ Nael Barghouti to continue serving life sentence after petition rejected
14:55:25 ◀︎ Medical teams shot at while treating victims of Highway 6 attack
15:02:20 ◀︎ Haifa University to grant honorary degree to "inspirational" Bill Clinton
15:10:15 ◀︎ Labor leader to Pres. Herzog: Don't give Netanyahu another 14 days
15:43:09 ◀︎ Foreign exchange update
15:44:17 ◀︎ New granchild for deceased Rabbi born during his funeral
15:46:33 ◀︎ Terrorist freed in Schalit deal to serve rest of life in prison
15:51:04 ◀︎ Bnei Brak: Scooter attacker's detention is extended
15:56:46 ◀︎ Police rescue abused dogs in Israel's north
15:57:56 ◀︎ Israeli hospitals not protected against cyber attack
16:00:15 ◀︎ Telecommunications employees sign new joint worker's deal
16:01:25 ◀︎ Otzma Yehudit MK denounces Breaking the Silence
16:01:25 ◀︎ ATV rollover in Eilat
16:17:26 ◀︎ 1,200 Iranian students poisoned hours before protests
16:35:45 ◀︎ Multiple indictments to be filed for attacks on checkpoint
16:57:19 ◀︎ Ramla man arrested for road rage incident
17:12:00 ◀︎ AJC praises White House for roundtable on combating antisemitism
17:22:18 ◀︎ Yossi Dagan: Declare UN envoy who supported terrorist persona non grata
18:27:38 ◀︎ Another Jewish man attacked with BB gun in NYC
18:33:25 ◀︎ Supreme Court president demands independence
18:41:32 ◀︎ Car accident on Route 458
19:22:45 ◀︎ Russia moves mobile missile systems to island near Japan
19:22:45 ◀︎ MK Edelstein to coalition partners: Leave Law of Return alone
19:43:20 ◀︎ Three injured in Pardes Hanna brawl
19:44:32 ◀︎ Toddler locked in kindergarten in Tzfat
19:48:00 ◀︎ Journalist's car shot in Rahat
19:53:52 ◀︎ Knesset committee reviews Iranian situation
19:56:12 ◀︎ IDF concludes Eastern Breeze exercise with French military
20:07:36 ◀︎ Church of England finds Anglican priest guilty of antisemitism
20:38:33 ◀︎ Opposition parties meet to plan fight against new government
20:43:07 ◀︎ Netanyahu to ask for more time to form government
21:15:11 ◀︎ Jan 6 panel chair expects criminal referrals to be made to DOJ